Ep. 67 Homer's "Iliad" Book 10

The Night Raid! It’s an important book kinda in the middle of the story with lots of action. Agamemnon wakes up in the middle of the night and convenes a war planning committee. Nestor says the Greeks should send some spies out; Diomedes and Odysseus volunteer.

Hector also calls for a spy to go look at the what the Greeks are up too, and Dolon volunteers.

We talk about the asymmetries between the Greek mission and the Trojan mission and the image of Diomedes killing sleeping soldiers and ask what role beauty plays in this book. We also ask what the goal of war is: to kill the enemy or to defeat the enemy's war to fight?


Ep. 68 Bonus Pod Q&A with Mr. Mark Eleveld's AP Literature Class at Kankakee High School


Ep. 66 Homer's "Iliad" Book 9